Victoria "Vicki" Rhodes - Wild Blue Dogs Founder
I’ve always loved dogs, but when I finally decided to get one of my own I never dreamed how they would change me, my life and the way I see the world, and always for the better. Asta and Willie are my inspiration for founding Wild Blue Dogs. If two Welsh Terriers can create such profound change, creating a legacy worthy of them became my mission.
...When Willie was 11 he was diagnosed with transitional cell carcinoma (bladder cancer), a cancer that affects people too. I was devastated but terriers never give up and neither do their owners. With the help of a team of incredibly talented veterinarians we fought cancer every way we could; diet, chemo, radiation, surgery, acupuncture, cold laser, homeopathy. A three to six month prognosis turned into 3 years of life-real, high quality, play in the sunshine LIFE. My dog had the heart of a lion and the extra time we had was priceless. Now I’d like to help others to find their courage and get that extra time too.
Willie isn’t the first loved one I’ve lost to cancer and I hate this disease. I’m now committed to finding improved treatment, new cures through research and taking back some of the time cancer has stolen from all of us.
Contact Vicki:
(c) 1 775) 790-3446
Megan Francisco - Assistant Camp Director
Megan is a free bird and marches to the beat of her own drum. She is highly communicative, organized and social. Megan loves bringing people together, and she is not afraid of new opportunities.
There’s a lot more to her than meets the eye. Apart from Wild Blue Dogs, Megan balances her time between being an engineer and an artist. She enjoys thought-provoking conversations, traveling to different countries and talking about Star Wars.
Megan joined the Wild Blue Dogs family to help Victoria and be in the presence of many loving dogs. Dogs are our best friends, so we must take care of them. She believes that our relationships with our animal companions can teach us more about empathy and understanding with each other. Megan looks forward to building stronger relationships with everyone at Wild Blue Dogs.
Contact Megan: (714) 390-8391
Angelo Ribeiro - Webmaster
Angelo Ribeiro is currently the Web Developer for Wild Blue Dogs. When Angelo isn't traveling to visit his family in Brazil or spending quality time with his teenage son. He is hard at work to designer and develops Websites and Ecommerce sites.
Originally from an island connected to the Atlantic coast of Brazil. He moved to California in 1997 and he now resides in Columbus, Ga.
All of his childhood was spent in Brazil. As the youngest of 11 kids, he had an awesome childhood and is still very close to his family, which still resides in Brazil.
He is currently raising his son and in his free time loves to travel, with his son, too many dream destinations. He also has involved himself in many local charities and organizations
His #1 personal and work goal is providing the best customer service and to continually challenge himself "to do more and do it better!"
A heartfelt thanks to Victoria Rhodes for giving him the opportunity to be a part of this amazing and rewarding Wild Blue Dogs organization.
Contact Angelo:
Group Email: